I wish to thank all the contributors to the discussion ‘Talking without Words’ for taking it to this advanced stage so quickly.
A lot of wonderful ideas and suggestions were floated but unfortunately not
>all of them will be workable and so will not be included in this summary.
What came across strongly is the desire of all to work and sacrifice for the
benefit and good of all in Edo Land so that they are empowered socially, >economically, physically, culturally and morally.
>I therefore crave your indulgence to read through this proposal thoroughly
>and ask pertinent questions if necessary as such questions will be answered >to the best of our knowledge. THE PROPOSAL.
>We propose a Global Edo Community that is not limited by national boundaries,
>distance or ethnicity, talking with one voice for the good of all our people.
>Edo Global will be non-governmental, non-political charitable organisation with the primary objective of contributing to the overall improvement of Edo Land. This Charity Organisation (CO) will be all embracing and non-confrontational as our primary role will be to complement the efforts of the Edo State Government in all aspects. Membership will be strictly voluntary and open to allEdo State indigenes with the burning desire of seeing a better
economically empowered and thriving Edo people. The
organisation will be registered in all the countries were members
reside so that they can be free to generate fund, seek donations
and disburse funds as the case may be, for the common good of
Edo People. As there are numerous areas of lack in Edo Land,
priorities will be set after listening to presentations from different
committees at the two yearly conventions of members that will
be holding in Benin City. Where there is a tie the overriding
interest of Edo People will prevail and this will be decided by the
Board of Directors of the organisation. ORGANISATIONAL
A Board of Directors made up of eight members and the Board
Chairman. (total9).
Three Directors each from Europe, Americas and Africa (Interest
from Asia is minimal presently). They will meet annually in Benin
City in January and work closely with the implementation
committee which will be based in Benin City. During this
formative years they will meet their travel expenses but as the
financial standing of the organisation improves, the organisation
will reimburse half of their travelling expenses. The meeting will
involve finalising and inspecting ongoing projects, presiding at the
two yearly convention and helping to raise fund on behalf of the
Organisation. The following career civil servants may be co-opted
into the Board of Directors meetings. Head of Service of Edo
State. Clerk to the State House of Assembly Secretary to the
State Council of Chiefs, Secretary to The Oba of Benin.
Their involvement will be advisory as regard area of need in Edo
Land but they cannot vote on any project implementation. The
following committees will be formed to administer specific areas
and facilitate implementation, carry out research so that the best
decisions are made in the interest of the Edo People. Finance
Committee, Culture and Social Welfare committee, Education and
Publicity Committee, Tourism Committee Legal and Safety
Committee Health Committee. Implementation Committee.
The Secretariat.
The Edo Global Charity Organisation will maintain a secretariat in
Benin with employed secretarial staff and an internet outlet. Itwill constitute the hub of the implementation committee. They
will operate the implementation account under the auspices of the
members of the Board of Directors and the implementation
The Implementation Committee.
Members of this committee will be based in Edo Land. They will
run the secretariat on behalf of the organisation. They will
physically supervise projects in any part of the state. They will
assist any committee trying to implement their projects in an
area of need in the state like arranging venues for lectures,
symposia, workshops and co-opting the D/Gs of the
corresponding ministry with any of the committee that have
organised a function in the state. For example if the Education
Committee has say 20 volunteer teachers for deployment, they
will contact the secretariat and the implementation committee
after approval at the Board level. The secretariat and the
implementation committee will discuss with the Director General
in the Education ministry. The D/G in turn will identify the state
schools where there is shortage for the deployment of the
Education and Publicity Committee,
In addition to volunteer work, they will arrange seminars and
workshops for teachers in the state. They will actively publicise
the activities of the organisation as well.
Culture and Social Welfare,
They will carry out research into our oral traditions , organise
and transform this oral tradition into book forms, plays and other
means of storage of information. Our culture is our life we must
not lose it. They will seek to expunge the outdated tradition and
enhance the practices that gives us pride as a people. This
committee will also be charged with proper upbringing of our
youths and assist those with learning disability.
Health Committee,
The terms of reference here will be to reduce the morbidity and
mortality of our people after minor illnesses, reduce maternal andperi-natal morbidity and mortality’ and deaths on our roads. They
will strive to improve the state of our hospitals, arrange for
volunteer medical staff to man from time to time our rural
hospitals and train the medical staff on modern methods. They
will advocate and assist the completion of the State Specialist
Hospital since abandoned, purchase ambulances and help train
paramedic staff to man them.
Tourism Committee. Our travel to Edo Land for the two yearly
conventions will bring financial benefits to the tourist industry. All
Edos in Diaspora should help ”sell” the state as a tourist
destination for holidays to our friends and neighbours. Members
of this committee will find ways and means to revive the tourist
industry in the state.
Legal and Safety Committee,
They will be involved in drafting all the organisation’s documents
and act on the organisation’s behalf in legal matters when
necessary. They will also research on ways and means of
reducing crimes and getting the muggers off our streets.
Finance Committee,
They will collect all the funds on behalf of the Edo Global Charity
Organisation and run one account (the collection account) by
direct debit which will be based in the USA or the UK and the
implementation account (disbursement account) which will be
based in Benin City. They will have the power to invest a
percentage of our funds where capitals are guaranteed, operate a
savings account to obtain interest on our funds, as well as an
emergency account. A ceiling will be placed on the amount the
finance committee can disburse. Beyond that ceiling, the
signatories of at least one Director from the USA and one from
Europe will be necessary. The suggestion that the levy should
only be $20 was unanimous and will be collected by direct debit
for ease of accountability.
Audit Committee,
This will be external.
Edo Nation Association.Strong reference to this organisation came up repeatedly and was described with various adjectives which decency will not allow me to repeat here. I disagreed completely with those calling for the demise of this association. It is my believe that ENA is well placed to further the interest of the Edo People along their own line but paying for thugs to do dirty jobs on its behalf will make all of us look like thugs and that is not our yearning.
The first Global convention will be planned for summer 2003 to allow for adequate time for committees to organise and produce proposals for implementation. What we have presented here is framework to initiate the foundation.
Your first action as a committed Edo individual is to indicate the committee where you will be keen to serve. This is the time to join the Edo Global Charity train. Do not be left on the platform. You must not be dissuaded by any of the proposal as they are subject to change on popular demand at the convention.
Thank you. Dr Stephen OGBONMWAN. MBBS, FMCOG(Nig,), M.MED. SCI (Assisted Reproduction), MFFP, MRCOG(UK).